9 August 2021 - 14 August 2021

Under the Sanction granted by the Commission Internationale d'Aerostation (CIA) of the FAI, Leszno Balloon Club has great pleasure to inform we have got an honour to organise 5th FAI Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship which will be held on days 09th-14th August 2021 in Leszno, Poland.

Leszno is a charming town in the west of Poland. It is famous for aviation sports, with ballooning being part of its history for over thirty years. At this moment Leszno is one of the most important station of ballooning in Poland. As Leszno Balloon Club we have the experience of organising balloon competition for last twenty nine years without any breaks. We got an honour to organise 1st category event twice: 1st FAI Women World Hot Air Balloon Championship (2014) and 4th FAI Women European Hot Air Balloon Championship (2017).

During the event we expect to host about 53 ballooning teams from all over the world. We hope to have all nine competition flights with many attractive tasks which will determine the Junior World Champion 2021. The competition will be run by very experienced Event Director, Eugenijus Komas from Lithuania. Due to the changes that have taken place recently in ballooning world, we feel responsible to inform you that during 5th Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship pilots will use the Balloon Live App and Balloon Live Sensor.

More info: https://www.fai.org/news/cia-balloon-live-app-leads-evolution-competition-new-decade?type=term&id=30.

We are really looking forward this year and the opportunity to host Junior representatives in Leszno. At the same time we are not forgetting about the pandemic situation which is still unstable all over the world. We observe the epidemic risk and duration of the restrictions all the time. We also will be up to date with FAI decisions. At the same time we are doing our best to prepare safe, competitive event.

Location Map
Competition Details
Director: Eugenijus Komas
FAI Sanctioned - CAT 1 / CIA Sporting event
Combined Logger/Marker Event
Contact Details