Flight 2 - Saturday 10 Sep 2022 AM
Task 8 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
5694/8220 - MMA 61m
Marker Drop: Free
Marker Color: Red
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: MMA
5 RSR Sports Complex, North Virginia 39.555077 ‐119.828984 5694/8220
Task 9 - XDD - Maximum Distance Double Drop (Rule 15.18)
Marker Drop: Free
Marker Color/s: Yellow and Yellow
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: MMA
5 RSR Sports Complex, North Virginia 39.555077 ‐119.828984 5694/8220

Task 10 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3)
Position of Goals/Targets:
Logger Marker: #1
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: Comp Map
112 Intersection Talus Way & Lodestar Lane 39.560074 ‐119.830933 5679/8276
110 Intersection of Socrates Drive and South University Park
Loop 39.559705 ‐119.816486 5803/8268
103 Intersection of Keystone and Van Ness Ave 39.548118 ‐119.844642 5557/8147