Electronic Noticeboard
Remaining flying program
Following the R8.1 I announce that 3 more flights are planned.
The last competition flight is planned for Saturday afternoon. Shortened time limits are applied according to R5.2.6
Task briefing postponed
The morning task briefing 12 July is postponed until 05:30 and may be postponed again via WhatsApp group due to fog forecast.
Main documents - the Rules, GB notes
The Rules of the event / Regulamin Zawodow EN/PL
The Map
The map has not changed since 2017. Pilots can convert PLT to KML track files to superimpose them onto actual online maps. Below are the links to the electronic map files:
Map image (OZF4), calibration file (MAP), all waypoints (WPT) and track files (PLT) in one archive (17 MB)
The bounds (PLT) of the Contest Area
Map for TwoNav RMAP (27 MB)
Map image PNG not calibrated (46 MB)