Flight 1 - Sunday 28 Jan 2024 AM
all PZ in Force
Not Required
Task 1 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3)

Position of Goals/Targets:

8141/1281 - 1000ft

8249/1315 - 1000ft

8250/1232 - 1000ft

8200/1178 - 1000ft

8441/1387 - 1000ft

8429/1297 - 1000ft

8352/1222 - 1000ft

8312/1142 - 1000ft

8031/1301 - 1000ft

Logger Marker: #1

Task Order: In Order

Scoring Period End: 08:30

Scoring Area: entire contest area


8141/1282@skyfield is available 10min after when you leave the circle R300m of this goal.


Task 2 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3)

Position of Goals/Targets:

8141/1281 - 1000ft

8249/1315 - 1000ft

8250/1232 - 1000ft

8200/1178 - 1000ft

8441/1387 - 1000ft

8429/1297 - 1000ft

8352/1222 - 1000ft

8312/1142 - 1000ft

8031/1301 - 1000ft

Logger Marker: #2

Task Order: In Order

Scoring Period End: 09:00

Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area


Same goal list as Task1.

The goal you choose in Task1 is not valid.


Task 3 - 3DT - 3D Shape Task (Rule 15.20)

Task Order: In Order

Scoring Period End: 09:00

Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area


< 3D approach >

Tracking starts from the point when you pass the R300m of 8141/1281@skyfield.

Tracking ends when you drop LoggerMark2.

The longer, the better.

Task 4 - RTA - Race to an Area (Rule 15.10)

Task Order: Any Order

Scoring Period End: 09:00

Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area


start from the circle R300m of 8141/1281@skyfield. 

end at the circle R2000m of 8141/1281@skyfield.    

declare method : declare LoggerGoal1 before take off ( mm:ss at easting   ie: 0500/_ _ _ _ means 05:00  ).

Task 5 - FON - Fly On (Rule 15.5)

Logger Goal: #2

Logger Marker: #3

Declaration Method: min 500m from declaration point and the goal you chose in Task2

Task Order: In Order

Scoring Period End: 09:30

Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area


< The Average >

You must change the altitude at least 500ft from declaration point.

You will be scored : your actual score(m) x0.3. <---[TRY]

FINAL SCORE will be the average of Task1, Task2 and [TRY].

You can choose if you want to TRY or not. If you want to TRY, declare on LoggerMark3.

If you not TRY, your FINAL SCORE will be the average of Task1 and Task2.