40. Österreichische Dopgas Heißluftballon Staatsmeisterschaft 2022Bad Waltersdorf, Austria

Practice Flight 3 - Wednesday 7 Sep 2022 AM
Date 07/09/2022
Sunrise / Sunset 6:21 / 19:27 loc.
PZs in force all
Launch Area Free - except CLA 1
Min. dist. ILP to goals 1,000 meters
Launch Period SR until 8:30 loc.
Next Briefing General Briefing
Solo Flight Not Required
Search Period-
QNH 1017
Task 7 - PDG - Pilot Declared Goal (Rule 15.1)
Logger Goal: #1
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #1
Declaration Method: any coordinate on map, min. 1km from any other goal, t/o position and declaration point
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: competition area
Task Data:

If no Altitude is declared, the electronic Marker will be scored to the declared coordinate on 0 ft MSL

Task 8 - FON - Fly On (Rule 15.5)
Logger Goal: #2
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #2
Declaration Method: any coordinate on map, min. 1km from any other goal, t/o position and declaration point
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: competition area
Task Data:

If no Altitude is declared, the electronic Marker will be scored to the declared coordinate on 0 ft MSL

Task 9 - FON - Fly On (Rule 15.5)
Logger Goal: #3
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #3
Declaration Method: any coordinate on map, min. 1km from any other goal, t/o position and declaration point
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 09:30
Scoring Area: competition area
Task Data:

If no Altitude is declared, the electronic Marker will be scored to the declared coordinate on 0 ft MSL