Jura Balloon Cup / Polish Balloon Championship 2022Olsztyn - Janow - Zloty Potok, Poland

Flight 1 - Thursday 21 Jul 2022 PM
Date 21/07/2022
Sunrise / Sunset 4.48 / 20:48
PZs in force all
Launch Area CLA2 Janow
Min. dist. ILP to goals 1,000 meters
Launch Period green flag + 30 min
Next Briefing 04:30
Solo Flight Not Required
Search Period21:30
QNH 1018
Task 1 - PDG - Pilot Declared Goal (Rule 15.1)
Logger Goal: #1
Goal Altitude: 1500 ft
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #1
Declaration Method: Before T/O. Minimum 1 km apart from ILP and any goals in the flight
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 20:40
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task Data:

Method of declaration                          logger goal #1 before take-off

Number of goals permitted                         1

Goals available for declaration                         any coordinates North of 1900 at altitude 1500 ft

Minimum and maximum distances between declaration point and
declared goal and any GLs in the flight min 1 km

Task 2 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
8611/2160 - MMA 25m
Alt: 984ft
Marker Drop Free
Marker Color: Yellow
Logger Marker: #2
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 20:40
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task 3 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3)
Position of Goals/Targets:
8435/2435 - MMA 0m
Alt: 900ft
8263/2633 - MMA 50m
Alt: 1027ft
Marker Drop Free
Marker Color: White
Logger Marker: #3
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 20:40
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task 4 - FON - Fly On (Rule 15.5)
Logger Goal: #2
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #4
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 20:40
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task Data:

Number of goals permitted 1

Goals available for declaration any coordinates and altitude

Minimum and maximum distances between declaration point and declared goal and any GLs in the flight          min 1 km

Altitude difference from declaration point to the goal min 500 ft