Electronic Noticeboard
Wyniki Balonowego Pucharu Polski
Posted: 11 September 2022 - 15:17
Information about the evening briefing 10th Sept.
Posted: 10 September 2022 - 15:14

The evening briefing on the 10th of September will take place at Leszno airfield, next to the hangars (0560/4350) at 17:00.

Wyniki Mistrzostw Polski Juniorow po 11. konkurencjach
Posted: 10 September 2022 - 14:44
08.09.22 PM flight is CANCELED
Posted: 8 September 2022 - 13:04

The evening flight in DOLSK is CANCELED due to strong winds and subsequent rain. Next briefing on 09.09.2022 at 05:45. 

PZ List
Posted: 7 September 2022 - 11:39
Appendix Nr. 1. Penalties calculation method of Red PZ No. 4 (Road S5) infringement.
Posted: 4 September 2022 - 20:11

 Penalties calculation method of Red PZ No. 4 (Road S5) infringement.

The PLT file of PZ4 - Motorway
Posted: 4 September 2022 - 20:09

Please find attached The PLT file of PZ4 - Motorway. 

All penalties for PZ4 will be calculated against this PLT file.

The Official competition rules v2
Posted: 3 September 2022 - 22:00
The Official Competition Maps
Posted: 31 August 2022 - 13:33

Map of the Leszno competition area: download.

Map of the Dolsk competition area: download.

* Don't be confused - Dolsk map has the User Grid printed on it, but the calibration is performed by using UTM coordinates and the electronic grid is UTM.

UPDATED /03.09.2022/ - Schedule of the event
Posted: 31 August 2022 - 12:39

September 07, Wednesday

10.00 - 14.00 Registration

15.00   General briefing

17.00   Tasks briefing

17.30   The first competition flight

20.30 - 22.30   Refueling

September 08, Thursday

05.45   Tasks briefing

06.15   The second competition flight

16.45   Tasks briefing

17.15   The third competition flight

20.30 - 22.30   Refueling

September 09, Friday

05.45   Tasks briefing

06.15   The fourth competition flight

16.45   Tasks briefing

17.15   The fifth competition flight

20.30 - 22.30   Refueling

September 10, Saturday

05.45   Tasks briefing

06.15   The sixth competition flight

16.45   Tasks briefing

17.15  The seventh competition flight

21.00   Closing ceremony

Important information regarding Balloon Live Application and watchmefly.net
Posted: 31 August 2022 - 11:25

Mandatory requirements for your mobile device:

1. Mobile device dedicated to competition

2A. Android version is greater than 8 on your mobile device OR

2B. iOS version greater than iOS 13.2 on your mobile device

3. The Balloon Live App (the App) has the permissions to access Storage and Location in the background

4. Device is stable with the App running for at least 2 hours

5. The App version is 2023 or greater on your device.

6. Account in https://watchmefly.net/ shall be created.

7. Login to the app with https://watchmefly.net/

8. In-App payments must be set and Balloon live token paid.

To use the App for the competition

You shall have a personal account on https://watchmefly.net/ or sign up if you have not yet


Perhaps you can get the additional backup device to produce a backup track with marks and declarations 



